Take a look at Madonna she does it all the time, whenever she releases a new album, she's a new persona. She's dynamic in that she doesn't stay with the status quo. She never gives you more of the same, instead she gives you a new show, a new experience and she gains a new audience.

Re-inventing yourself requires a nod of approval to change. Don't think about it, just do it. If you're reluctant to think about change then don't use that word, substitute it, reframe it in your mind to something that sounds a little more adventurous or less off putting ... so think of re-inventing yourself.
You may like to, however, reflect on what sort of image to re-invent yourself into:
- professional
- stylist
- smart
- sporty
- arty
- classic
- bohemian
- trendy
- casual
- alternative
- Western
- other ..............
So taking a cue from her, I've developed some simple ideas that you can choose to get the process of re-inventing yourself underway:
- get yourself a new hairstyle (totally different to what you are used to);
- buy yourself a new wardrobe (i.e. clothes and jewellery that you normally would not choose for yourself);
- change your style of clothing (review above list for inspiration);
- change your eating habits e.g. Sushi on Sundays;
- wake up half an hour earlier on work days;
- change your route to work;
- let yourself go gray for that distinguished, mature and cultured look;
- lose some weight.
- buy yourself a new car or even a motorbike (I still fancy riding a Ducati);
- buy yourself a 'designer smile';
- splash out on some new perfume or after shave lotion.
- start voluntary work or supporting financially other people less off than yourself;
- read a new newspaper from the usual one you read;
- check out new food in the supermarket;
- rearrange your house/furniture;
- take up a new hobby or interest (e.g. gardening, archery, whatever takes your fancy).
You just need a double page spread in your journal. You are going to make a "Re-invention Track" - the metaphor is running a race around a track; and you can take as long as you want to get to your destination or the finish line.
You will need to sketch with pencil your track, making a circular path gradually moving into the centre of your page.
Collect together some photos. One of your present self, and maybe an aspirational picture of someone else you'd like to look like or copy, or leave it blank with a question mark in the middle.

The milestones you will develop up as a legend and code them into symbols and plot these on your track. Then give them an explanation in your legend what that milestone is. I've just used Tom Bow pens. The arrows on the track are actual acetate photo corners from Prima Marketing.

You can define your own success level. You don't wait for others to define the 'carrot' you will pursue – it's a code for you. So you don't need to have the legend on the page, and you can make it a chart and put it on your fridge. For the purpose of this exercise though, I have included the legend on the page.

Finally, in the words of genius Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe "Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." So let your own re-invention (your dream) move first your own heart (especially when you start achieving your milestones, that helps build your self-esteem too!) and then it will move the hearts of other people. They will notice the change. You may even become aspirational to them for their own re-invention. This exercise has come from my art journalling exercises from my personal blog.